Welcome to Our Transformations Page
While the scale can provide valuable insights into body fat, muscle mass, and overall weight changes, progress photos offer a powerful visual of the true changes happening through body recomposition. As a body recomposition coach, my mission is to help individuals lose body fat, build muscle, and improve their metabolism, ultimately leading to increased longevity, bone density, and a better quality of life. These clients are living examples of the different ways body recomposition can be achieved. Their journeys highlight that progress goes beyond numbers—it's about reshaping your body, enhancing your health, and embracing long-term results.

3-Month Transformation

20 lbs

3.7% body fat

2.7% muscle
Liz is a busy mom of 3 and she had been suffering with the weight gain that comes with motherhood and perimenopause. She had been doing high intensity group workout classes at F45 and not making any progress toward her weight loss goals. Within 3 months of working with us she dropped 20 lbs and began her journey to building a toned and defined body. By changing her eating and exercise habis to better suit her goals she was able to balance her hormones, lower her cortisol and achieve the body she had been working so hard for.

6-Month Transformation

48 lbs

12.3% body fat

7.2% muscle
Tina is a busy mom who had lap band surgery but was still struggling in the same weight loss gain cycle of 20 lbs for years. Once we got her fueling her body properly and exercising properly for her goals her hormones begin to balance out, cortisol dropped and she is on her way to new goals she never envisioned possible.

6-Month Transformation

9.29 lbs

2.4% body fat

1.4% muscle
Kim is a busy working professional who had been struggling to balance her workouts and habits with her busy life. By gaining the help and support building out a structured exercise and nutrition plan that aligned with her goals and took the guess work out of it she was able to lose body fat, build muscle, gain more confidence and create lasting habits so she would never have to lose the weight again.

6-Month Transformation

12.6 lbs

3% body fat

2% muscle
Katie is a busy working mom and she has struggled with PCOS and the inability to lose weight. Her doctors basically led her to believe it was going to be impossible for her to lose the weight. She started working with us and by adjusting her approach to high protein and minimal cardio with 3-4 lifting workouts a week she was able to increase her metabolism, drop body fat and gain muscle mass.

3-Month Transformation

12.96 lbs

1.2% body fat

2.1% muscle
Christine is a busy traveling nurse with a hectic schedule. She never stuck with a program or fueled her body properly because she always felt so busy. But by implementing a simple to follow exercise and nutrition plan that easily fit into her busy schedule she was able to stick with a program, feel more energy, gain strength, lose body fat, and feel empowered with her new habits.

3-Month Transformation

8 lbs

2% body fat

1.2% muscle
Liz is a busy stay at home mom of 3 and she was struggling to lose the post baby weight. She had never felt strong and wasn't familiar with weight lifting. By increasing her protein intake, getting her lifting at home 3-4 days a week she was able to build up her strength, regain confidence in her body, lose the stubborn belly fat, and gain a better relationship with food as well as be an incredible example for her kids!

6-Month Transformation

10.8 lbs

2.8% body fat

1.6% muscle
Natasha is a busy stay a home mom of 3 helping run a farm! When she started with us she was drastically under eating, she had never really lifted weights and didn't even know where to start with trying to lose the weight.

6-Month Transformation

18.4 lbs

4.6% body fat

2.7% muscle
Sandra is a busy engineer and mom of 2 and she had tried every diet on the books, she was feeling like her weight loss was hopeless and she didnt know what to do and her doctors only wanted to turn to medical options to lose the weight. She began working with us and over the course of 6 months she has lost 52 inches and 18.4 lbs. She has made her habits non negotiable, she is showing her family what happy and healthy can look like and she is changing the trajectory of her future.

3-Month Transformation

Stats coming soon!
Jeanne is a 69 year old nurse, she is active and wanted to improve her health increase her longevity, gain strength and lose body fat. Over the course of 3 months she has began walking more daily, lifting weights, gaining strength, changing her mindset from only looking to the scale to track her progress, she is gaining a better relationship with her body and food, and she is improving the trajectory of her future.

6-Month Transformation

9.2 lbs

1.1% body fat

1.5% muscle
Tandy is a busy working mom. She was struggling to lose weight due to a medication she has to take which drastically disrupts her hormones. She had been working out consistently but unable to build muscle or lose body fat. We realized that a big problem was her nutrition and lack of structured program for her lifting.

6-Month Transformation

30.4 lbs

7.6% body fat

4.4% muscle
Kaitlyn is a busy working professional, she was feeling lost trying to get a handle on her health and habits and realized she was compromising on what she knew she needed to do for herself and her future. She decided to make a change! She has created non negotiable habits, is inspiring others to change their lives and realizing that she is in full control of her mindset, habits and future!